Computer Programming

Computer Programming
1- Early birds(5-7) Familiarize children to the use of the computer tools, inspiring creativity. Coding for young children.
  • Problem solving
  • Designing Projects
  • And expressing themselves creatively on a tablet.
2- Beginner (From 8) An introduction to computer programming.Participants learn the basics of programming and are introduced to drag and drop programming
  • Critical Thinking
  • Computational Thinking
  • Computing Practice and Programming.
3- Intermediate (9 to 11) Participants learn programming by drag and drop and apply it to create simple programs, animations and games.
  • Introduction to programming with games
  • Art and Math
  • Drawing
4 - Computer Programming (From 12) An introduction to text based computer programming or coding using a text language.
5- Gaming(From 10) So you likes to play games.Why not make your own computer games? Participants will plan and design their own video games using scratch or clickteam Fusion.Pong, storyboard ...
6 - Android development(From 13) Participants will design games for Android using java Android.
7- Website design I Participants will create basic website from Scratch.
8 - Website design with wordpress Create a basic website using wordpress. Design and create a website (by the end of this activity, yourkids will show you their website online.
  • Programming
  • Teamwork
  • fun

  • Tools: HTML CSS, JavaScript